Oil Leak 65 ….David Offin speaks out

As the 38 degrees petition approaches 90,000 signatures, a double oil leak to celebrate.

Firstly, regular readers will be aware Cromarty Rising receive correspondence and information from many quarters, a lot of which we don’t expect. However for the third time now, we hear that “the Scottish Government Energy Advisory Board decided to shut down and decommission Nigg oil Terminal quite some time ago, ” We can’t confirm the veracity of this, however, if true, does this mean Cromarty Firth Port Authority were given inside information to this effect that has not be made available publicly and hence this STS application? Perhaps this needs more examination.

Next, in case you missed this last week, we’ve been given permission to publish a letter by David Offin  printed in both the P&J and the Ross-shire Journal. It doesn’t relate to ship to ship oil transfers directly although does hint toward the issue. Mr Offin is a highly respected individual with a long association with the Port and provides yet more evidence of an unaccountable, self serving port authority – it is good that he has decided to speak out and offer a solution in the form of the Port Users Group. We hope the Scottish Parliament will tackle the issue of Trust Port accountability and if you have not done so already, please sign the petition. Otherwise read on, its a good letter!

Ross-shire Journal

24th January 2017

The Port of Cromarty Firth 

I have been closely associated with the Port of Cromarty Firth, formerly Cromarty Firth Port Authority for more years than I care to remember and feel now compelled to bring to your attention to what I consider the lack of any consultation between the port and their stakeholders.

I am passionate about the economic development and opportunities arising from the area I have lived in all my life and I do not believe the current actions of the Cromarty Firth Port Authority towards their customers and stakeholders both beneficial and non-beneficial is in anyway good for the area. The economic wellbeing of the area is dependent on an active and thriving Cromarty Firth.

I believe since Mr Bob Buskie took over as the CEO and board member of the CFPA, his mind has been set on commercialising the Invergordon Port, furthermore I do now believe he is taking his board members in a direction that goes beyond their status as a Trust Port and this is simply unacceptable.

CFPA is perfectly entitled to operate commercial enterprises, however, when they take advantage of their position over other beneficial stakeholders working within the port the board needs to take action to bring back to a level playing field.

CFPA now seem to be operating purely as a commercial Port without any consideration of other long established stakeholders both commercial and environmental, their new charging regime is indicative of this policy. They need to be called to account for their actions and I believe a first step could be to reintroduce a Port Users Association where all stakeholders should meet with not only the CEO but Chairman and all board members.

If action is not taken, I can foresee further reduction in activity with clients moving from the Cromarty Firth to other ports. This cannot be allowed to happen.

I am passionate about the development of the area to create more employment and to create further wealth within our local community. There is no doubt if a stop is not put to the current operations of the CFPA, we are in for very hard times.

Yours sincerely

David Offin