Oil Leak 81 Intertek

We’ve let Intertek off the hook in this up until now. They are the consultants delivering the STS application on behalf of the CFPA. They produced the first application which the MCA instructed the CFAP to withdraw. To be fair, when they met Cromarty District Community Council behind closed doors back in January 2016, they stated that they were not experts in STS applications. Read into that what you will – incidentally, the requirement to meet behind closed doors, without public access was a requirement of the Port Authority. That’s another story. We’ve been looking at the board of directors of Intertek: http://www.intertek.com/investors/board/

You will note that one of the 6 non-executive directors is Lena Wilson – she’s also the chief executive of Scottish Enterprise and chair of the Scottish Energy Jobs Task Force, appointed by and reporting directly to our First Minister. Now, we are not saying anything untoward is going on but Ms Wilson does get paid in the region of £68,000 a year by Intertek (see: http://www.heraldscotland.com/business/13209762.Scottish_Enterprise_boss_Lena_Wilson_criticised_over___68_000_Intertek_fee/) – for that kind of money we’d imagine she is expected to do more than turn up at a monthly board meeting. We would venture to suggest that it would be a normal expectation of such a role to use her contacts and influence on behalf of Intertek. Now we have no evidence this has occurred with regard to STS but is this too much of a co-incidence?