Oil Leak 101 Trust Ports

We had a look at the Transport Scotland website just to see what therein ports and harbours responsibilities are (http://www.transport.gov.scot/water/port-and-harbour-responsibilities). Here what they say:

 Port and harbour responsibilities

We handle all devolved ports policy matters on behalf of Scottish Ministers, covering commercial, publicly owned and trust ports and related issues.

What kind of ports are there in Scotland?

We have a wide range of ports and harbours around our shores varying in size from large commercial operations to small slips and piers.

They include privately owned ports, trust ports and local authority ports and harbours.

What is a trust port?

Trust ports are independent statutory bodies, governed by their own local legislation and run by independent boards for the benefit of stakeholders. Unlike private company port they have no shareholders so all the surpluses from port operations are put back into the port.

Should that not read “All surpluses from port operations are put back into the port, except where the port has set up a joint venture sub-company in which case, half the profits are siphoned off to private shareholders. For example, Port of Cromarty Firth Services Ltd?”