Oil Leak 139 A question of trust – part 3

In our mini-series looking at the Port’s recent propaganda offering, here’s another extract:

“One caveat to all that lies in the need to protect the environment. few stretches of water have more environmental designations attached to the,. After more that 40 years, respecting the constraints they impose comes as second nature to the Port. Indeed one of the positive stories over the decades has been the absence of conflict with environmental interests. The good news is that dolphins and birds can co-exist quite successfully.”

The good news is that they can up to a point. However, this all causes stress to the animals – who knows where the tipping point is. One thing that is clear is that STS is a step too far – it is being undertaken in the middle of the dolphin breeding and feeding grounds. In case anyone in the Port hasn’t noticed they have one huge environmental conflict on their hands which is not going away.