Oil Leak 171 Port Activities

Those who have been reading the papers will know that the CFPA are planning decommissioning oil rigs at Invergordon and are current trying to obtain a PPC licence from SEPA. We understand this will be advertised in the next few weeks and there will be an opportunity to comment. I would imaging the port are nervous that we are going to campaign against this as well. We’re not. Cromarty Rising have never been against development in the port – we support initiatives that will create jobs and are undertaken in a controlled and safe manner. We believe it is better that rigs are dismantled here in Scotland rather that leaving them rot or sending them to foreign shore with questionable safety and environmental standards. We will of course look closely at the detail to make sure the proposal the CFPA put forward are indeed undertaken with the environment in mind. For instance, we don’t think it is appropriate to cold stack rigs off the sutors in the middle of the SAC. Currently the CFPA are offering reduced rates for storing rigs out there and no doubt there will be more.