Oil Leak 209 Scottish Government exposed – part 8

Today’s oil leak concludes, for the moment our series on the Scottish Government failures during the 2015 application – we will come back to the Marine Scotland FOI, don’t worry, lots more in there. This time another email from a nameless civil servant sent following the close of the consultation and approximately a week after last night’s email. They talk about the press and political interest in the application and following discussion with “Transport colleagues” (read Ports and Harbours) that there may be a need to engage with the MCA which will depend on Scottish Government and UK government “interactions”. They say what is important is that the views of SNH and SEPA are being considered carefully – is this a get out for Marine Scotland? They go on to say that Marine Scotland should agree a “handling strategy” and then refer to the statement written for Richard Lochead the previous week. Or should that be the LIE written for Richard Lochhead the previous week. They know they have messed up because this time the email is written by the Head of the Licensing and Operations Team (MS-LOT) – the same team that dealt with the CFPA consultation – asking colleagues for responses and collating those responses. How can they then refer to the press statement given by the cabinet minister that they weren’t consulted?? Richard Lochhead has been stitched up, the public have been stitched up but worst of all Marine Scotland have failed in their duty to protect the marine environment. Any Marine Scotland insiders out there that feel aggrieved we would be very interested in speaking to you – drop us an email – info@cromartyrising.com. So who is the head of MS-LOT? Jim McKie http://www.all-energy.co.uk/en/Contributors/3652666/Jim-McKie. Anyone like to write to him?