Oil Leak 45 The First Minister & Ian Rankin

So, we’re back from a fantastic day at Holyrood – we had great support from our MSP’s from across the party spectrum with many coming out to speak to us on a bitterly cold day. It has help reaffirm our faith in the democratic process although w rare not complacent – there are still discussion to be undertaken & much work to be done. We’ve had great support today from Highland MSP’s Kate Forbes and Gail Ross.

Significantly, the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, made the following statement today at FMQ:

“On the basis of the evidence so far the Scottish Government is unconvinced that ship-to-ship oil transfers can or should take place, without causing risk to the environment, particularly to bottlenose dolphin. Finally can I say presiding officer I warmly welcome those who are outside parliament today, some of them may be in parliament, too. Let me assure them the Scottish Government absolutely hears their concerns and will continue to do everything we can to make sure those concerns are heard by those taking the decisions.”

Music to our ears Nicola – thank you for listening, thank you for your support. You can watch (some of) her speech here:


With regard to your advice to call in at the Scotland Office on the way home – sadly we received that too late in the day but nevertheless have written to said office. I’ve got a feeling this won’t be the last visit to Edinburgh in any case!

It was great also to get some ‘celebrity’ support from Ian Rankin who took a day out of his busy  schedule to support our campaign. Ian thank you for your support – it means a lot to the people of the Highlands and I’m sure you had much better things to do. Here’s a picture of Ian Rankin signing petition to Scottish Parliament (which currently working its way through the system and should be live online shortly). More photos of the protest to follow………

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