Oil Leak 105 More media coverage

Another flurry of press articles last week followed our trip to the Highland Council and the petition hand in. A good natured event – we thank Council leader Margaret Davidson for having the good grace to accept our petition.

Articles made it to:

The Inverness Courier – http://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/News/Moray-Firth-campaigners-against-ship-to-ship-oil-transfers-hand-petition-into-Highland-Council-09032017.htm

The Herald – http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/15146185.More_than_100_000_oppose_oil_transfers/

The Ross-shire Journal – http://www.ross-shirejournal.co.uk/News/Ship-to-ship-emergency-meeting-call-as-council-prepares-for-last-pre-election-gathering-06032017.htm

and the North Star – http://www.north-star-news.co.uk/News/Moray-Firth-oil-transfer-petition-nears-100000-mark-08032017.htm

This was in addition to an article in the National (not online) and coverage on both MFR and STV. Nae bad.

Expect to see more coverage with more petition hands in and another visit to the Scottish Parliament – more on that soon.