In case you didn’t see the comment, an update from Nairn prospective councillors views on STS. Laurie Fraser, Liz McDonald, Ritchie Cunningham and Michael Green have all declared themselves staunchly AGAINST STS. Stephen Fuller who was not mentioned in the comment, is also a long time opponent and Louis McIntosh has declared opposition. Out of the other candidates, Paul McIvor and Peter Saggers didn’t declare a position on their flyers and as yet have not answered e-mails asking them to declare a position. Tom Heggie has made not statement on his leaflet – we have not seen an opinion from Andrew MacKintosh either.
So that’s 50% of Nairn candidates in opposition to STS – its not late to ask the others if they happen to knock on your door. As reported the other day, 100% of Black Isle ward candidates oppose STS which is great. We will be holding them to their word as we hope the people of Nairn will do too!
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