We thought we’d share what Norman Will has been saying – he’s head of office, election agent and campaign manager for Fergus Ewing MSP. We are not sure if these view’s reflect those of Mr Ewing, if they do then we are gravely disappointed by the attitude of our ELECTED representatives. They would do well to listen to their ELECTORATE.
In answer to your queries Mr Will, Why “hassle” the Scottish Parliament? Why? Because it is our democratic right to do so – it was good enough to be debated in the Scottish Parliament in 2006 when STS was being proposed for the Firth of Forth. Richard Lochhead’s maiden speech as Environment Minister was indeed on that very subject when he made promises that would appear not to have been fulfilled. We expect and demand that our elected representatives listen to us. What is there to hide? We don’t hear them going quiet on the subject of Trident or Independence – neither of those are devolved issues. So, MSP’s, time to step up to the mark.
Norman Will It’s reserved…Westminster….why hassle Scottish parliament?
Jimmy Young Isn’t that just the point? It is a decision that should be determined within Scotland. Maybe a typo on your position?
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