Oil Leak 111 Latest Oil Spill Statistics

The latest worldwide oil spill statistics for 2016 are now available from ITOPF. While things are getting better, oil spills still happen, in fact:

“In the seven year period 2010-2016 there have been 47 spills of 7 tonnes and over, resulting in 39,000 tonnes of oil lost; 83% of this amount was spilt in just 10 incidents.”

Quite staggering really. You can read their full oil spill statistics report here: http://www.itopf.com/fileadmin/data/Photos/Publications/Oil_Spill_Stats_2016_low.pdf

The ITOPF report notes that “the vast majority of spills are small (i.e. less than 7 tonnes) and data on the number of incidents and quantity of oil spilt is incomplete due to the inconsistent reporting of smaller incidents worldwide.” Of those incidents spilling <7 tonnes – 40% involve loading or discharging.

Make up your own mind if you think STS is safe.