Carrying on with the MCA “notes” in response to the 2015 CFPA STS application – all you doubters take note of of this:
For the avoidance of doubt – the MCA are saying that an oil slick cannot be contained effectively at sea. So all of you who use Nairn Beach, Culbin Sands, Rosemarkie Beach, Cromarty and Nigg Beaches make the most of it as it will be a lottery where any spilt oil lands! Remember, that a major spill may be less likely however, it is the aftermath of constant low level pollution an the chemicals used to clean it up that has plagued the residents of Southwold. Of course the transfers off their coast are just under 12 miles from land whereas, assuming 18a is the only anchorage left, ours are only 2.5miles from nearest landfall.
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