In our response to our legal letter, the Intertek summary of legal issues considered a section on noise. Under the heading of “noise pollution not fully assessed” they recorded the following comments:
- additional noise exposure over 1 year equates to approx 1152 hours
- Noise modelling should be applied
We’re not sure is this response to comments raised in relation to the impact on humans or dolphins or both – it was certainly raised in both contexts. Their response was “it is acknowledged that the STS locations are one of the most sensitive and important areas in the whole of the Moray Firth SAC for bottlenose dolphins. Noise pollution was assessed to an appropriate level to address the regulations. Noise modelling was not considered appropriate for the application. Boats will be moving at a slow speed and therefore the impact of noise will be reduced.”
Well that makes it all OK then! At least they acknowledge the area’s sensitivity for bottlenose dolphins. Noise pollution was assessed to an appropriate level to address the regulations? That’ll be not at all then as that’s what the consultants did, absolutely nothing. “Boats will be moving at slow speed…….”? Yes, this may help reduce noise – however, the tankers (3 or more) will also be sitting with their engines running 24 hours a days with tugs standing by with engines running. There will be the noise from the pumps etc. This is a completely inadequate answer – lets hope they take SNH’s advice from the Appropriate Assessment scope and consider this in much more detail……..
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