Oil Leak 39 Drew Hendry MP gets active

We thought we’d use this oil leak to say a big thanks to Drew Hendry for getting involved, and most importantly, listening. He states:

“…….many constituents have contacted me to express their concern. In addition, I have received nearly 300 responses to a recent survey I posted on the issue. Of these responses – 98% have identified as ‘I’m against the ship-to-ship transfer proposals’.”

Read for yourself – https://twitter.com/drewhendrySNP/status/817057491527811072?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet – although as some bright spark pointed out that means 77,000 of Mr Hendry’s constituents have not objected – I think he meant fill in the survey. If you live in Drew’s constituency then please go fill in the survey on his page below where he says:

“I have…. discussed the situation with local businesses and community groups….  met with Cromarty Rising….    and also met with the Cromarty Firth Port Authority to hear their views and plans……   I find that I support the view that the perceived economic benefits do not outweigh potential negative implications a granted licence could have on the entire area.   Whilst Ship-to-Ship transfers happen relatively safely in other parts of the UK, it does not follow that all locations are suitable for the process. ……” 

Read for yourself here: http://www.drewhendrymp.scot/ship-ship-transfers and fill in his survey.
This is really positive stuff from Drew and very much appreciated. So what have have his MSP counterparts done? Well apart from Kate Forbes and of course John Finnie, pretty much unanimously ducked the issue! We’ll be in Holyrood to make the point next Thursday. Don’t even think about telling us that this is not a devolved issue. We know that but environment, business and tourism are all devolved and our MSP’s can do something about those.